Initiatives for SDGs

JRM Group endorses the aims of "the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", which was adopted at the 70th United Nations General Meeting in September 2015. We are also committed to working with our business partners, local communities and other stakeholders to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) announced. (SDGs Declaration PDF)

Products & Services

By focusing on the development of a systematic quality control and production system through capital investment and the education and training of staff involved in manufacturing, we are able to provide products of consistently high quality and fulfill our mission as a manufacturer of resistors and electric devices.

Key initiatives
  • Supplying high quality product and continuous improvement through ISO 9001 certification
  • Development of products for xEV vehicles and their supply to the market
  • Establishment of a stable supply system using alternative plants within the Group in the event of a major disaster
  • Supplying of long-lasting products with high durability and long life
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Based on the recognition that the products we deal with are used in all fields as an integral part of the electronics industry, we aim to be an earth-friendly company, aiming to create a recycling-oriented society by preserving the global environment, and taking into account the impact of each of our employees on the environment.

Key initiatives
  • Product design and manufacturing in consideration of the global environment
  • Implementation of environmental maintenance activities and continuous improvement in compliance with ISO 14001
  • Extensive use of LED lighting and xEV vehicles
  • Practice of green purchasing of office supplies etc. and use of FSC certified paper
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Human rights and workplace expectations

We place great importance on the mental and physical health of our employees by promoting the use of paid leave, health check-ups and medical examinations, and by ensuring that harassment is not tolerated.
We will also respect human rights and diversity, and promote the employment of the elderly and disabled to create a workplace where all people can work equally and without discrimination.

Key initiatives
  • Prohibition of harassment clearly stated, mental health counselling service set up
  • Promotion of paid leave
  • Health checks or physical examinations and recommendations for secondary examinations
  • Creating a working environment for a diverse workforce and diversity initiatives
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Community and social contribution

We contribute to the realization of a sustainable local community through the active recruitment of local personnel, donations to the community and contributions to the local community through exchanges, dialogues, lectures and volunteer activities.

Key initiatives
  • Active recruitment of local professionals
  • Dispatch of lecturers for manufacturing education for junior high school students
  • Participation in community activities such as carrying out clean-up activities
  • Corporate facilities used as evacuation centers in the event of a disaster
  • Proposing and supplying products to care businesses and facilities
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